Wednesday, 14 January 2009

Out of Darkness .....

Got a call yesterday from my buddy Mike Hill to tell me that he had qualified on Monday night for the £300 event they will run on 7th/8th Feb. The monthly 3-2-1 weekend is where they have a two day 300 comp, a one day 200 comp and a one day 100 comp over the same weekend. So I figured I would do likewise and played a satellite on DTD last night - not a site I've played on before.

The satellite paid three seats, and with four left, I was comfortable chip leader and thought my seat was assured. Then, taking the reponsibility for knocking the short stack out on my broad shoulders, ran QQ into KK for half my stack, so started to struggle myself. Not convinced the other three weren't playing as a team, because there seemed to some familiarity in evidence from the chat going on. I was 99% certain there was some chip passing going on between the new CL and the short stack, so pretty soon I become the shortie.

Then I got pocket 4’s on the BB and some looney goes all in on the button – which he had done about a zillion times on my BB – I called, and he had K4 off. And hit his K on the turn. I nearly threw the laptop out of the window. So I will play the sat again next week and hopefull wipe the floor with these scumbags in Nottingham. Well, at least I got my money back for 4th. Then went on a cash table and got slaughtered by (reminiscent of Stoke) 9 4 spades when the guy rivered a flush but got it all in on the flop when I had two pair. Does your head in, so packed it in at that point before I went on mega tilt.

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